What Does it Mean When Food Always Gets Stuck in My Teeth?

Getting food stuck in between the teeth may be one of the biggest annoyances to deal with. It seems to always happen when a person is eating with somebody, enjoying a nice steak, or even just casually having a dinner that includes talking and eating.
It is very common for food to get wedged in between the molars in the back of the mouth, or maybe a piece of popcorn kernel wiggled its way in a small crevice. In these instances, having food trapped in between the teeth is completely normal.
There are plenty of reasons why a person may think that food gets stuck in between their teeth, but there are simple underlying reasons why this could be a common occurrence for someone.
Teeth alignment could be one of the simplest reasons why food is always trapped in between teeth. Spacing in between the teeth, which is known as open contact, is when there is a gap or opening between two adjacent teeth.
Spacing in between certain teeth could be from how the teeth naturally grew into place or from a chipped or missing filling. Having braces to close gaps or a general dental visit can assist with the upkeep of fillings to avoid food continuously getting trapped.
If a person is noticing food becoming trapped in the same area constantly, there is a probability that there may be a hidden cavity. Cavities are notorious for trapping food particulars in between the teeth, which ultimately grows bacteria and worsens the cavity.
Cavities are caused by tooth decay from the formation of a film of sugars and starches from not brushing the teeth well. The formation of this type of plaque eats away at the enamel of teeth, creating crevices and openings in or in between teeth.
Mouth disease
If a person does not suspect gapping or cavities to be the cause of food getting trapped in between teeth, a mouth disease may be the roof up the problem. Periodontal disease is the loss of bone, gums or teeth in the mouth, which is the cause of multiple dental problems.
Periodontal disease includes sore gums, gums receding in size, and poor tooth alignment - just to name a few of the main symptoms. All of these symptoms, in combination, can lead to particles becoming trapped which will accelerate spacing and tooth decay.
Getting regular dental check-ups can pinpoint the exact cause of food being trapped in between the teeth and the dentist can offer treatment plans or tips to avoid this problem from occurring in the future.
Worried about food constantly being trapped in teeth?
If you are concerned about why food is becoming trapped in between the teeth, schedule an appointment with us! Having a thorough examination of your teeth with help identify the reasons why food particles are constantly stuck in between the teeth. Also, it will help identify which care plan our staff should set in place for you to have a nice healthy smile and set of teeth again! Call us today, we will be more than happy to evaluate and assist you with any questions or concerns you may have!
Request an appointment here: https://www.qualitygentledentalcare.com or call Roman Khodosh DDS PC at (973) 676-2541 for an appointment in our East Orange office.